Thursday, March 2, 2017

Planting Strawberries

This fruit is sweet, juicy is a treat when direct from the factory. Supermarket berries tend to be rough texture with a tart; This is because the natural sugars in the berriesbegin to convert to Starch as soon as it is picked from the plant. It is definitely worth your while to try planting your own strawberries, and the good news is that they are relatively easy to grow if you have full sun.
Strawberry plants come in three types:
Day-neutral: there are sensitive to day length, this variety produces shoots, fruits and runners keep if the temperature stays between 35 and 85. The production is less than Junebearers.
Everbearer: this varietal form shoots during the long days of summer and autumn days. Summer-formed flower buds and fruit in autumn, and the buds were formed autumn fruit next spring.
Junebearer: length-of-day sensitive, this variety produces buds in autumn, flower and fruit next spring, and runners during the long days of summer.
For the home garden, we recommend Junebearers. Although you will have to wait a year for the harvest of the fruit, it will be worth it.

Buy disease resistant plants from a reputable nursery, a variety of recommended in your area.
Plan to plant as the ground can be worked in the spring.
Strawberry plants is rife. The seeds will send runners, or plant a ' child ', which in turn will send out runners of their own.
The planting hole making deep and wide enough to accommodate the entire root system without bending. However, do not plant too deep: roots should be closed, but the Crown has to be right on the surface.
Provide adequate space for the area. Set the plants out 20 inches apart, and left 4 feet between rows.
The roots should not be more than 8 inches when the plants are set out. Trim them if necessary.
the pH should be between 5.5 and 7. If necessary, change your soil first.
Strawberries need 6-10 hours a day of direct sunlight, so choose the planting site accordingly.
Tolerant of different soil types, though it prefers clay. Started to work in aged manure or compost a few months before planting.
The location of the planting should be drained. Raised bed is an excellent choice forstrawberries.
Practice crop rotation to the most successful. Do not plant on the site that the recently-strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, or eggplant.
Establish new plants each year to maintain the high quality of the berries each season.
It is also possible to grow Strawberry runners from last year. Watch this video to find out how.
In the first year, choose from flowers to prevent the plant from fruition. If it is not allowed to bear fruit, they will spend their food reserves in healthy root development.The results will be far greater in the second year.
Removing the daughter plants as needed. The first and second generation producesa higher yield. Try to space each plant about 10 inches apart.
Moisture is very important because the shallow roots. About one inch of water per week. They need a lot of water when the runners and the interest is being developed and again in the autumn when the plants mature.
Keep the bed bermulsa to reduce the need for water and weed invasion.
Be diligent about weeding. Weeds by hand, especially in the first month after planting.
When the growing season ends, cut or chop the leaves into one inch and plants about 4 inches of mulch with straw, pine needles or other organic materials. This can be done after the first few snow, or when the air temps reaching 20 F.
Remove the Mulch in early spring, after danger of frost has passed.
Include line is a good choice for protecting flower and fruit of the birds.
Gray mold
Powdery mildew
Japan beetle
Spider mites

The fruit is ready to harvest 4 – 6 weeks after bloom.
Harvest fruit (ripe) only fully red, and select every three days.
Cut the stem; Do not pull the berry.
Harvest will last up to 3 weeks. You must have an abundance of berries, depending on variety.
Dirty fruit store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.
Strawberries can be frozen whole for 2 months.
Watch a video about how to make Strawberry maintain!
Try to plant more than one variety. Each will react differently to the conditions, and you will have a variety of different fruits to enjoy.
' Best fit ' Northeaster to the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. The fruit has a strong flavor and aroma.
' Sable ' hardy zone 3, the start of the season, great taste.
' Primetime ' is a mild taste, disease resistant variety, best adjustable Mid-Atlantic.
' Cardinal ' is a good range for a try in the South.