The delicious taste of ripe Melon-related is worth a special effort needed to grow them. Homegrown Melons their washing from the grocery store because the Melon Pack on sugar during the day their final growth — commercial Melons just can't compete because they selected a little green for delivery. Most Melons need a nutrient rich soil, plenty of sunlight, and at least 3-4 months for the warm weather. Melons can take up a lot of space. Single program tree melon, for example, can sprawl in 100square feet and produces a fruit-only two landmark;
muskmelons, on the other hand, can provide at least a dozen landmark fruit-in the area of 16 square feet. If you have limited space, try bush cultivars, or standard type vertical growing strong on a fence or trellis. Type: what we call cantaloupes are muskmelons menus. Class melon has a pumpkin-clasik quasi and the skin is covered with netting a shallow vein. The fragrance of food ranging from salmon to green. ' Athena ' and ' Pulsar ' is a popularcultivar for the home garden.
Cantaloupes, grown mostly in not, have an orange flesh and rough, scaly skin with dark vein (album), the fruit. Winter melon (also a type of Melon) ripe when the weather starts to turn cold and will continue for quite a long time if stored with the menu. This group includes honeydews, crenshaws, casabas, and Persia. These fruits are larger, more oval has a smooth skin wax or wrinkles, with less-fragrant food.
Winter Melon requires season planting period more than 100 days and more susceptible to disease, but they are definitely tasty. Honeydews like ' Earlidew ' has a smooth white, beige and lime green flesh that took gold tone a little maturity. Crenshaws have pink salmon food with taste. The softness of the skin dark green (album) they make them difficult to ship. Casabas have wrinkles, skin and white flesh that stays sweet and watery for the long term. Large, round Persian Melon has a thick, Orange flesh.
The watermelon falls under the classification of a botanical fruit, Citrullus lanatus, but those who thrived under the same culture conditions that require other Melons. Compact cultivars clasik ' sugar baby ' and ' Petite treat "(which are also Seedless) perfect for a smaller home Gardens. ' Teeny yellow ' is one of several small yellow-fleshed cultivars for the home garden. Planting:
Melon tagline brightest possible place with plenty of air circulation to help they are great quickly after rain and prevent disease. Melon roots usually extend from 2 funds 10 inches into the Earth, but some go as deep as 4 feet 5 funds. Therefore, the soil should be loose and moisture retentive but well drained. Because Melons will be one of the last thingsthat you Abunawar in the vegetable garden, you may want to give them the extra boost with and begin the work of 2-3 inches of compost into the planting period.
Vines can not set fruit if they are cold as a seed, so do the planting period for the LandFund tlah warm between 70 ° and 80 ° f. Get Abunawar head start seeds indoors inpeat pots 4 inches. Start them just 2 weeks before the Fund is growing, because the seeds are developed or more than four leaves may have difficulties then occur in abuild root. Sowing the seeds of some ½ inch in every pot, and place the pot in a South-facing window or elsewhere. Give the heat down if the tagline for his novel the soil temperature: 75 ° F 2 inch-tall Seedlings. thin with the strongest plants by cutting off others at soil level.
A few days before the time of cropping, hardened from seedlings by setting them outdoors in the discuss area during the day and take them at night. You can grow plants in lines, but mostly Melon seems to be better in the hills.For most cultivars, hills 4 funds 6 feet apart; powerful farmers like watermelon may require 6-12 feet in between the hills, while some types of Bush tagline is only 2 feet.When planting directly in the garden, sowing the seeds of six per Hill not earlier then occurred 2 weeks after the last frost date. Thin to two or three plants per hill, or inshort season area, a thin for just one plant per hill, so it doesn't have to compete with other related to nutrition. In cold climates, put the plastic paper or black
Black Mulch a few weeks before planting time or the time of planting to warm the soil and keep warm after you plant in the ground. Anchor safe Mulch to keep from shifting andinclude a young plant. You can also use hotcaps, such as plastic jugs with the bottom cut out, to keep the seedlings warm.