Monday, April 11, 2016

An Expert Plantation

An expert plantation
An expert in the field of landscape Mrs. Diane Menzies (President of the International Federation of Landscape Architects - IFLA) asserts that in order to achieve professionalism in the field of landscape architecture to be competitive in this era of globalization, it can not but there are things that need to be considered include the competency standard of education at the university International (International University Standard), as well as the certification of professions (Professional Licensing). In Indonesia competency standard of education is measured by the accreditation process, which is handled by the National Accreditation Board that apply nationally. As for graduates of landscape architecture in order to be able to work and compete abroad is required a certification of professions. Lucky that in Indonesia alone since 2001 has stood Skills Certification Board of Landscape Architecture (BSKAL). Therefore, it is expected to graduate landscape architecture is not only work in counties and cities in Indonesia (as have regional autonomy), especially also in the face of AFTA in 2010 is expected to compete for work in the regional and international levels.

Likewise with expert opinion the landscape in Indonesia, Mr. Hbremous explaining that in essence, a landscape architect, a role as a professional should be prioritizing the works of landscape architecture in the order of the macro, meaning not in the scale of tight spaces, on certain parts alone, or in certain cities only. But the works of landscape architecture are not only able to provide beauty, comfort, security and happiness for human beings (human happiness), but also should be able to achieve the ecological well being where ecologically all living beings can feel good in sustainable development (sustainable development ). The most important how to discipline and profession of landscape architecture can be known in Indonesia. So that the profession of landscape architecture can also play a role managing the environment better and play a role in natural disaster mitigation, and may even play a role in addressing global warming and global climate change with the planning, design and management of environmentally sound landscape. Thus it is time the political landscape architects do movement to influence the policies, especially those related to sustainable environmental development in the country . .